Paloneo members are rising leaders in their field under 40, united by a common passion for art, music and nature.

Members are the co-owners and drivers of Paloneo's mission. We meet regularly at Paloneo's two annual flagship events in Germany and London and at member-led chapter events to share culture, ideas and capital.

Paloneo Treasury: A community-owned endowment to finance the next renaissance.

The Treasury is a blockchain-based endowment created to finance events, art and projects that accelerate the digital renaissance.

After one year of membership, members receive 200 PLD, a digital asset that grants voting rights over treasury allocation. The total supply of PLD is limited to five million.

View Treasury Assets
  • Become a Founding Member

    Members who nominated at least two friends by Dec 2024 are considered Founding Members.

    Nominate friends 
  • Host events & become a Governor.

    Governors are proactive community leaders. They receive additional governance rights.

  • Start an Impact Circle

    Impact Circles are results-oriented groups within Paloneo. They receive grants and network support from Paloneo and its partners.

    Schedule a call