Uniting leading champions of a cause.

We believe that an interdisciplinary community of leaders aligned on both values and economic incentives can create innovative solutions to the global challenges of our time.

Through curated events and shared ownership, Paloneo fosters trust and collaboration among mission-driven scientists, artists, entrepreneurs and financiers to accelerate Europe's next renaissance.

Source: Edelman Trust Barometer 2020

Trust in existing institutions is eroding.

We introduce a new type of institution for the digital age: A global impact network facilitating trust and incentives for members to collaborate on global economic and cultural issues.

  • Cosmopolitan Community

    Paloneo unites values-aligned members at monthly events to foster cultural empathy and collaboration across disciplines and borders.

  • Transparent Governance

    Governors receive a voting right to influence capital allocation of the blockchain-based treasury: paloneo.eth.

  • Shared Ownership

    Every member can become an owner of the Paloneo network.

uniting leading champions of a cause

The Paloneo Brand

The meaning behind our name, Paloneo.

Paloneo is a combination of Paladin + neo.

In medieval Europe, Paladins were knights known for courageous contributions to society. Today, it translates to "a leading champion of a cause".

Neo meaning new in ancient greek.

Hence, Paloneo aims to unite and empower leading champions of a cause in the 21st century.

The pineapple as a symbol for curiosity and hospitality.

The pineapple was discovered in Brazil by a group of Portuguese explorers in the 15th century. They introduced it to Europe as a gift to the financiers of their adventures (the British and Spanish royal families) and used the exotic fruits as decoration to signalise "I'm back home, friends are welcome". 

This way, the pineapple became a symbol of the curiosity, hospitality and prosperity of the explorers of the New World, the entrepreneurs of the 15-17th century. Today, we are assembling a community of cosmopolitan explorers to enable a collective consciousness to address the challenges of the 21st century.

Palodium: A rare asset catalysing the digital Renaissance.

Palodium is the digital currency of the Paloneo network. Its name is a combination of two words: Alodium and Palladium — which in combination symbolise the main features of Palodium:

(i) Allodium: sovereign ownership of an asset received a reward for valuable contributions to the community.

(ii) Palladium: a rare metal that derives its value from at scarcity and catalytic effects for innovative technologies.


Alodium is “a form of estate in 11th century Anglo-Saxony in which absolute possession and control were vested in the holder.” Within the Holy Roman Empire, an allod, or allodium, was an estate in land over which the allodial landowner had full ownership and right of alienation. Owners of an allod hold the property in absolute independence without being subject to any rent, service, or acknowledgment to a superior.

Palladium is a rare and lustrous silvery-white metal discovered in 1803 by the English chemist William Hyde Wollaston. It is part of the six core elements of the Platinum Group of Metals and has the lowest melting point of all of them. Its price today is more than $1,000 per gram. Its demand is mostly derived for it use as catalyst in electronic products and as investment.